Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Have You Ever Seen A Tow Truck In The Shape Of A Huge Toe?

 Did you know UPS started in Seattle in 1907? Ever wanted to walk on the “Set” of the TV show Frasier?
The Club took a fun walking tour of MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry) and saw all that and some lot’s more.  We found a kickin museum that is filled with really fun stuff. Some museums are stuffy and can be boring …not this one. There was a tow truck company in Seattle that had a few trucks made up in the shape of  big foot with toes and MOHIAI has one and an old model T truck from the turn of the century with the UPS logo on it. We had a fun time wondering around and got to see props from the TV show Frasier, (That was supposed to be filmed in Seattle).
We also had a big Eastside Mingle at a fun place called Earl’s. We took over a bunch of tables and booths, they were very nice to us and it was fun mingling. Events And Adventures Seattle

Friday, November 15, 2013

Annual Whistler Ski Trip Is Back!

Can't wait to hang out with over 40 of my E&A friends on the 18th Annual Events and Adventures Whistler Ski Trip. We will be leaving on Thanksgiving, but will get there in time for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with our E&A family. We will be staying in the Village for easy access to Chairlifts and Gondolas for some AWESOME skiing during the day and all the nightlife at night! We let you know how it all turns out, but if it is anything like past years there will be much to talk about! 
Events And Adventures Seattle

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day and So Many Awesome Events!

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You to the Men and Women that have served and continue to serve our country! 
I am so ready for another week of Awesome Events!  There's a Southenders Mingle, Dinner and a Film, Into to Aerobic Kickboxing, Rollerskating, Members Meeting/Bowling, Hiking, Atomic Bombshells at the Triple Door and Seahawks Viewing Party!Signing up now for my favorites...woohoo!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Every wonder what it would be like to be up on the Big Stage?

I have been to shows at the Paramount Theater in Seattle and wondered what it would be like to look out from the stage into that huge theater. I’m guessing that like me most of you have never been up on that big of a stage, let alone back stage or in the dressing rooms. Well last weekend that’s just what we did. We took a tour of the Paramount and went through what seemed like every inch. Back stage, on stage, dressing rooms, high above the stage and maybe a few extra spots folks don’t normally get tours in. It was fun to see where the stars I have seen perform have walked around and hung out before and after their performance.
This weekend we also hiked up Lime Kilm trail. We defiantly lucked out on the weather. While the weekend was not always great weather wise it was nice for us. The trail takes you through what was an old mining town (I know it sounds like Scooby Doo adventure) The town is long gone but there still is bits and old parts here and there if you look for it and that was really enjoyable. I’m very glad our club hikes all year round.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wine Tasting!

We did our Dark & Mysterious Wine tasting the other day and that was a fun event. The owners of this great wine shop opened up their shop for a private tasting just for E&A, they put out meats and cheeses and other delights for pairing with the wines. It’s informative but it’s also very social and the owners give us a discount on any bottles in the house when we are done ….I must admit I ended up buying a bottle to take home for the holidays.
Events And Adventures Seattle

Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Where The Men Are......

Another Great weekend and I’m exhausted just talking about all we did.  Ladies if you want to know where the men were hiding you should have been at the “Go-karts and more” Event  last week. There was only one gal and the rest was all guys.(PSSST Ladies in December when this event comes back you’ll know what event to sign up for).   We had a blast on the Go-kart track and kicked it in laser tag, … maybe I should have referred to laser tag as a  “blast”  lol.  Between those and all the other things there I went home happy, but with sore muscles.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Nothing Tops an E&A Halloween Party!

We had ours in one of the best spots… under the glow of the Space Needle at The Pacific Science Center’s Dinosaur Room.   Check out the pic’s. It was really neat to have the party and dance floor next to these big animatronic moving dinosaurs.   Members really pulled out all the stops and went wild with their costumes. We had all sorts of ghosts and ghouls and creatures of all kinds, both sexy and scary costumes.  Freddy Krueger won scariest costume. Funniest costume was this squirrel guy and another person won for her costume of a huge Hershey’s Kiss!   I had on a Cop uniform and many members thought I was a real cop went they first walked in. “I’m just here to Serve & Protect” To see more pictures check out our Facebook at: