Friday, April 11, 2014

Mingles to Laser Tag!

Sometimes you want to a bar  “ where everyone knows your name” to steal a line from Cheers. With a city as big as Seattle that can be hard to do if you also want to check out some of the fun and different neighborhoods.
Answer:  Our club does all kinds of mingles, all over the city.  Mingles for food, mingles for trivia and mingles for our Young Professional and for our Premier Club members. Recently we had a Young Professional Mingle at one bar and across the street at another bar we had our Premier Club Mingle. Then after a few hours we brought them both together for one big mingle.

While mingles are a great social event, you got to add a little action in now and then.
How about Laser Tag! Truly one for the most requested events from our members and a heck of a lot of fun!  Believe it or not,  it can be a great workout and I find it to be a good way to warm up for skiing as I always come out with sore leg muscles from crouching…. But maybe that’s just cuz I’m so tall.