Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jumping Out Of A Perfectly Good Airplane......

On the bucket list of so many is jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. SKYDIVING!
It’s also one of the things that can be so hard to get yourself to do. Sometimes it takes gathering up yourself, getting in a group of friends and just saying “what the heck..I’m doing it” If you have never done it, it's not hard to believe just how hard it can be to step into a plane and take off knowing that the only way down now is out the door at 10,000 feet or more. 
You almost have to tell yourself to NOT listen to the voice in your head that is getting louder and louder saying “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING” and just think of something else … like a shopping list or what’s in your Amazon wish list or anything to keep your mind off the idea that you are soon going to be free falling out of a plane. Then once you DO actually get out of the plane it’s so amazing. And you want to get back in the plane and do it again. Events and Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

An Amazing Cooking Class/Party!

We just did a cooking class/party event that a bit hard to describe … But I’ll give it a try. To start off with it’s not in a downtown area or even a commercial setting. It’s in a private home on Mercer Island. When you first get there you are brought into the this nicely decorated living room area and offered wine and apps while waiting for everyone to show up. Next after a round of introductions our chief and host Anita (a wonderful person that’s originally from Sweden) breaks us into smaller groups to make parts of the full meal.  It’s a fun time of chatting, tasting and preparing for a great meal. Then when we have all done our different parts we sit down to an amazing meal. This day it was out in the covered courtyard and we had Paella as well as 6 other Spanish inspired dishes.
The food was good, the atmosphere was great and so was hanging out and meeting a bunch of folks I now call friends. Events and Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We Love To Hike Here In The Northwest!

Our group is pretty diverse when it comes to our events. We do indoor and outdoor events, we do theater shows and crazy adventure activities, we do cocktail mingles and beer festivals and so much more. It’s true even within specific kinds of events … like our hikes. We hike in all seasons and all kinds of weather, at the beach or in the mountains and just about everything in between.
In just this past month alone we have been to the North Cascades to hike the Scott Paul trail and to Deception Pass Area to hike and go rappelling. We also hiked on the edge of Lake Washington to Saint Edwards State Park and out on the Olympic Peninsula to hike Mont Zion. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful area! Events and Adventures Seattle