Monday, December 30, 2013

From Pub Crawling To Ice Skating.......

We had a great time last week with our “Reindeer Pub Crawl”  Our Pub crawls are a blast! We all meet at one spot, This time it was The Dubliner bar in Fremont, a great Irish style neighborhood pub. As folks started to arrive we had all kinds of appetizers and bar food out on all our reserved tables. It was explained that we would hit 5 bars form relaxed pubs (our first bar)to bars with live bands (our 2nd bar) and brand new bars to this area (the 3rd and 4th) and back to a classic for our last, a big friendly neighborhood bar to round the evening out. Once we were all together we did a round of introductions and headed out to our next bar. We had food waiting for us at every other bar and the cover waived where they was covers. It’s a great way to get to know a neighborhood as all the bars were in walking distance.

And......You know it’s winter when you can break out the Ice Skates.
We had a fun …if not sometimes sore (from hitting the ice) time this last Sunday with an Afternoon on Ice. If you have never been Ice skating before and like some of us not everyone in our group had been you are in for a treat. A part of joining Events & Adventures is to get out and try new things or things you may have done, but with a whole new group of folks. This was just one of these occasions. Events And Adventures Seattle

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

From Middle Earth to Rat King And Fun Places In Between!

 We start with a fun trip to Middle Earth (Land of the Hobbits) or as close as we are going to get unless we take a flight to New Zealand. If you are a fan of the Hobbit / Lord of the rings movies you would have loved this! We had tickets to the opening night showing of the Hobbit and a playful reception beforehand at The Pacific Science Center. At the reception we could dress up in silly costumes and make elf ears all while eating themed snacks and drinking beer or Mead, then we went into the huge theater …6 story tall screen (the largest in the state) Perfect for this opening nights showing.

From Elfin cloaks to ugly sweaters....
You can’t let the holidays go by without an ugly sweater gathering, and we didn’t   We gathered a group and headed to the Shelter lounge and showed off some wonderfully hideous sweaters and while we were there we roasted some marshmallows. What a great time!

And lastly it was time to dress up a bit and head to the land for sugarplum fairies. The Nutcracker Ballet is quintessential Christmas time. And we had a huge discount on Orchestra floor seats only 6 rows from the stage just for our club. Membership does have its privileges.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Lights and Ornaments!

The weather may be getting colder, but this last week we did a few events that seem to go from colder to hot!
There are only a few events that the picturesque town of Leavenworth WA. Is absolutely perfect for. Since it looks like a quaint little Bavarian town plucked out of the mountains of Germany it’s great for Oktoberfest and also for the Leavenworth Christmas Lighting.  So with hot coco and cider in hand we loaded into our private party bus for the couple hour drive to Leavenworth. For a few weekends each year the town gets all dolled up with lights and holiday displays and at dusk they through the switch and turn on all the lights at once.  All that and a chance to check out the fun boutiques, shops and maybe some little delicious snacks makes this a very fun event. 
Then we got really hot with Glassblowing. As Christmas is near we came to the glassblowing event to make some holiday ornaments. They helped us pick out the style and colors and how to blow into the glassblowing pipe just a little to create the ornament. I can’t wait to come back in a few days and pick up my glass, there is something very fun about hanging an ornament that you know you made or in my case thinking how much someone will enjoy getting it as a gift. Events And Adventures Seattle

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hikes and Zoo Lights!

Washingtonians love the outdoors and we find all kinds of things to bring us out!

The hike we did on the 1st to The Lower Big Quilcene River is one of the most popular trails in the Olympic National Forest. First we all meet at a Park-n-ride and carpool to the trailhead. The conversations and friends you begin to make just on the ride to the hikes are often as great as the hikes themselves. In some ways there is nothing better to get out of the city and leave all the work and any other possible headaches behind and just walk in nature.
Another fun outdoor thing to do is to bundle up and go out in the evening and check out one of the Christmas lights displays like the Zoo lights at the Point Defiance Zoo.  You can’t help wanting to take pics of just about every grouping of lights you see, but somehow there are not often nearly as nice as seeing them for yourself. We had a great time strolling around the Zoo and being amazed by one display after another.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Live From New York....It's Events And Adventures!

 Flying in from all over the country… we’re finally here in the Big Apple!!  Imagine meeting someone for the first time… in New York… for your first time in the city!  If the distraction of the traffic isn’t enough, what about the buildings and architecture, the buzz of Times Square, the roar of the night clubs, or even the scents from the food trucks lining the street?  For most of us, it was our first time here… as we walked to our dinner location this evening, I loved hearing the “OMG’s” and “Look at that!” from the group behind me, as I led them down 5th Avenue, then over to 7th, through Times Square… the light was enough to want us to put our shades on, but standing in the middle of the glowing lights, I saw the awe in their faces… as people surrounded us, walking about, not caring that it was our first time here… we took pictures, we looked at our maps… we were tourists tonight, and we were ok with that!  As we walked, we thought about our feet and possibly questioned the shoes we wore today, but when we finally hit the famous Carnegie Deli, got seated at our own table and got right to ordering, we knew the walk was worth it!  As we look at the menu, we see other plates going out to other tables… “Woah” and “Is that the size??” is what came out of their mouths… but as we got our own plates set in front of us, we couldn’t help but take some photos!  And don’t forget the New York Cheesecake for dessert… I have never tasted anything like it… as we talked about what we wanted to see and to plan our next day of adventures, I couldn’t help but think about how great an opportunity this was to meet some fellow E&A friends from our clubs around the country, let alone, check off a New York City visit on our bucket lists!  And on only day 1, all I have to say is… “Oh New York… we have only just begun!” This blog was written by our Event Host Megan from Minneapolis! Events And Adventures Seattle

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bringing The Fun Indoors!

Some things you might think would be outside like Archery we recently did in an indoor facility, perfect for this time of the year. From the basic fundamentals of stance and form (You may not think there is a lot you know about shooting a bow and arrow but there is) to how to sight and aim, we were given all the details before being given time to Hit the bulleye.
Now think caravel style bumper cars and lacrosse and basketball all mixed together and you might have an idea of what Whirlyball is about!  If you have not played it … I can tell you it’s a lot of fun and our club loves it. It’s a fun silly time and we sit around afterwards and eat pizza and boast about who was best!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Looks Like Our Seahawks Can’t Be Beat!

It’s amazing how empty the streets are in and around Seattle when the Seahawks are playing. With their great winning streak everyone wants to see them play, our club included. We will be doing Seahawks viewing parties all around town. The last one was at “The Spot off main” and there were plenty of times you could not hear the commentary when the room was roaring.
We also hiked up the Cal Magnusson trail to Pinnacle Peak.  It’s one of the most popular hikes in the Enumclaw area.  A one-mile long forested trail climbs 1000-vertical feet to the top of the 1800-foot geological knob. Once we got to the top, we saw outcroppings of columnar basalt, the old footings of an old fire lookout and best of all, a spectacular view of Mt Rainier and the White River valley.


You may have been exhausted after our Self defense class like most of us, but you would have came away with a number of techniques and moves. It was great to have Martial Arts experts take us though all the moves and I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels a little more comfortable with what life could throw at
you! Thanks Lee's Martial Arts!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Have You Ever Seen A Tow Truck In The Shape Of A Huge Toe?

 Did you know UPS started in Seattle in 1907? Ever wanted to walk on the “Set” of the TV show Frasier?
The Club took a fun walking tour of MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry) and saw all that and some lot’s more.  We found a kickin museum that is filled with really fun stuff. Some museums are stuffy and can be boring …not this one. There was a tow truck company in Seattle that had a few trucks made up in the shape of  big foot with toes and MOHIAI has one and an old model T truck from the turn of the century with the UPS logo on it. We had a fun time wondering around and got to see props from the TV show Frasier, (That was supposed to be filmed in Seattle).
We also had a big Eastside Mingle at a fun place called Earl’s. We took over a bunch of tables and booths, they were very nice to us and it was fun mingling. Events And Adventures Seattle

Friday, November 15, 2013

Annual Whistler Ski Trip Is Back!

Can't wait to hang out with over 40 of my E&A friends on the 18th Annual Events and Adventures Whistler Ski Trip. We will be leaving on Thanksgiving, but will get there in time for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with our E&A family. We will be staying in the Village for easy access to Chairlifts and Gondolas for some AWESOME skiing during the day and all the nightlife at night! We let you know how it all turns out, but if it is anything like past years there will be much to talk about! 
Events And Adventures Seattle

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day and So Many Awesome Events!

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You to the Men and Women that have served and continue to serve our country! 
I am so ready for another week of Awesome Events!  There's a Southenders Mingle, Dinner and a Film, Into to Aerobic Kickboxing, Rollerskating, Members Meeting/Bowling, Hiking, Atomic Bombshells at the Triple Door and Seahawks Viewing Party!Signing up now for my favorites...woohoo!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Every wonder what it would be like to be up on the Big Stage?

I have been to shows at the Paramount Theater in Seattle and wondered what it would be like to look out from the stage into that huge theater. I’m guessing that like me most of you have never been up on that big of a stage, let alone back stage or in the dressing rooms. Well last weekend that’s just what we did. We took a tour of the Paramount and went through what seemed like every inch. Back stage, on stage, dressing rooms, high above the stage and maybe a few extra spots folks don’t normally get tours in. It was fun to see where the stars I have seen perform have walked around and hung out before and after their performance.
This weekend we also hiked up Lime Kilm trail. We defiantly lucked out on the weather. While the weekend was not always great weather wise it was nice for us. The trail takes you through what was an old mining town (I know it sounds like Scooby Doo adventure) The town is long gone but there still is bits and old parts here and there if you look for it and that was really enjoyable. I’m very glad our club hikes all year round.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wine Tasting!

We did our Dark & Mysterious Wine tasting the other day and that was a fun event. The owners of this great wine shop opened up their shop for a private tasting just for E&A, they put out meats and cheeses and other delights for pairing with the wines. It’s informative but it’s also very social and the owners give us a discount on any bottles in the house when we are done ….I must admit I ended up buying a bottle to take home for the holidays.
Events And Adventures Seattle

Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Where The Men Are......

Another Great weekend and I’m exhausted just talking about all we did.  Ladies if you want to know where the men were hiding you should have been at the “Go-karts and more” Event  last week. There was only one gal and the rest was all guys.(PSSST Ladies in December when this event comes back you’ll know what event to sign up for).   We had a blast on the Go-kart track and kicked it in laser tag, … maybe I should have referred to laser tag as a  “blast”  lol.  Between those and all the other things there I went home happy, but with sore muscles.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Nothing Tops an E&A Halloween Party!

We had ours in one of the best spots… under the glow of the Space Needle at The Pacific Science Center’s Dinosaur Room.   Check out the pic’s. It was really neat to have the party and dance floor next to these big animatronic moving dinosaurs.   Members really pulled out all the stops and went wild with their costumes. We had all sorts of ghosts and ghouls and creatures of all kinds, both sexy and scary costumes.  Freddy Krueger won scariest costume. Funniest costume was this squirrel guy and another person won for her costume of a huge Hershey’s Kiss!   I had on a Cop uniform and many members thought I was a real cop went they first walked in. “I’m just here to Serve & Protect” To see more pictures check out our Facebook at:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Trip to Machu Picchu!

I took this picture at our basecamp at Soraypampa, Peru roughly 3,800 meters up in the Andes Mountains.  After completing the first days 7 hour hike in the lead group I see a bright light of confidence and accomplishment in my eyes.  Day 2 would destroy that light like a waterfall crushing the faint light of a candle.  After “sleeping” through rough winds, cold temperatures and a choir of wild dogs; the banging on our tent at  5 AM wasn’t the best wake up call I have ever had.  This was the start of the most challenging day of my life.  Fighting altitude, rough terrain and fatigue I would eventually reach the height of our trek 15,220 ft…before lunch;  A grueling 4 hour hike up over 3,000 feet in a matter of hours.  As I passed another adventurer up the trail he said something to me I would never forget.  He was much older than me and he looked at me through tired yet excitedly hopeful eyes and said Have you ever had so much fun being miserable?” It was a quote that I will always remember because I never want to forget that the things in life worth striving for often require the most challenging journeys.  Learning to love the journey is what Events & Adventures is all about every single day.

Reid from our Houston Club was the Staff Member on this Trip. All of our Trips are open to members from any of our Clubs. 

Events And Adventures Travel

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Its Pumpkin Carving Time!

Who doesn't love carving Pumpkins! Check out the Pumpkins that our Members Carved at our 
Carving Event!


Friday, October 25, 2013

An AMAZING Weekend!

What a fun weekend, sure every weekend we have lots of fun things but some weekends the stars just seem to align. We started off the weekend with bowling.  I know on paper bowling may sound just ok, but it gets really fun when you have a big bunch of friends altogether and everyone is eating pizza and having a goodtime. We all cheered when one of us would get a strike and joked when we got gutter balls (which happened more than we all wanted).   It was also a Members Meeting and it was great to hear the feedback from everyone about what folks might want to do for the upcoming snow season as well as other activities or performances everyone is excited about … Nutcracker, Spamalot, overnight events and others.

Saturday we met at the club house in Bellevue bright and early for coffee and donuts (some of us eating more donuts than I should have) and hopping on the party bus to The Leavenworth Oktoberfest.  Yes that is me in lederhosen!  And yes that is a yodeling pickle in my pocket.  (I’m not sure why … It just seemed like the thing to have).  It’s so true there is no better Oktoberfest this side of Germany than the Leavenworth Oktoberfest. We left Bellevue around 10AM and didn’t get back till about 10PM

Can you believe that a few members that went on the party bus got up the next morning and made it to the Federal Way park-n-ride by 8:30AM to go SKYDIVING!  We had around 10 members carpool down to Toledo WA and jump out of a plane.    So in hindsight I think it is true that Bowling + Oktoberfest Party Bus & Skydiving will make a great weekend.

Events And Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Seattle Ghost Tour!

It was a lot of fun doing a ghost tour in downtown Seattle on Friday the 13th . I found out about a  lot of cool historical facts of old Seattle and some scandalous stuff as well that happened where I walk every day.  We got to take a boat over to Blake Island and experience Tillicum Village (The Native American meal and show ) The baked Salmon was wonderful! I guess you could say we had a lot of fun enjoying Seattle History recently (if only school was this much fun)!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The CycleSaloon Event we did last Friday was so much fun!
Just try to imagine 16 folks pedaling this crazy thing down the streets of Ballard (or just look at this picture).  Yes! we all pedaled this to 3 local hot spots in the Ballard area, Stopping and running in for a drink or a quick rest and then pedaling off to the next stop. And the Driver gave us an  bounce and added another stop at the last moment. It was not as hard as it might look when everyone is pedaling.  Fun Fact: So apparently these 16 person bike thingies started in Amsterdam and became a big hit in many of the flat cities in Europe.   Flat because you really don’t want to try moving these up hills, though going down hills would be just fine. Tracy (The owner of Cyclesaloon) brought two of them to Seattle a short time ago and says she’s been very busy and everyone had a good time, We sure did!
Rolling with the punches
Some folks have asked if the Government Shutdown have impacted us. Well we had planned to go on a hike to the Mt. Rainer National Park this last Saturday, but with the park closed we had to roll with the punches and move to another location for our hike. We picked another hike also in the south end. In a State park “Dash Point”.  We actually start just outside the park and to come into the eastern end of the parks trails. This gave us a great start through some wooden ravines and crossing back and forth over a wonderful smaller creek before finally bringing us out to the Puget Sound.  It turned out to be a really nice day for a hike.
It’s odd. Even with all the fun events coming up in the rest of this month like: Bowling, Oktoberfest party bus, Skydiving and The flashlight Corn Maze I can’t stop thinking about the main event of the season…  E&A’s Awesome Rockin’ Halloween Party on the 26th.  I’m not going to give away the costume I’m planning on wearing, but I can say the lederhosen I’m wearing for the Oktoberfest Party Bus will not be making a repeat performance at the Halloween party.

Renton’s Oktoberfest was a Kick!

There was a few of us that got dressed up in lederhosen and we all had a great time. We had  reserved seating up front by the stage and got there in time to see the Mayor open the ceremonial keg. The promoters wanted to thank E&A for coming and they gave all of us and extra token for food or drink. An added plus we didn’t expect.  Some of our members even got on the mechanical bull that was out in the courtyard … But that’s another story.
All in all  it was a great event and a great warm up for the Big Leavenworth Oktoberfest Party Bus.
Last night we got to see the new Justin Timberlake / Ben Affleck movie Runner Runner, We are lucky that we get to see all kinds of  big studio movies before they are released and we get to see them for FREE! Last night was one of the reasons it’s a nice bonus. While I would not have mad if I had to have paid to see that film I’m very glad I didn’t. If I was on a plane and had 3 movies to watch, It would likely be the 3rd.  But somehow even with that we all had fun. Either chatting about how we liked or didn’t like it and knowing we got to see it before the rest of the public.
While the Nov. calendar will be out in full on Oct. 15th if you check it out now you’ll see a few events. The over the top Whistler ski trip (Not just for skiers) and also the Opening night premier and reception of the Hunger Games II in IMAX.  We are going to the movies in style.  We have up to 100 tickets to see this blockbuster film in Seattle best IMAX theater on opening night with a reception after where your first drink and snacks are complimentary.
There is always something fun and new on the calendar.