Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hikes and Zoo Lights!

Washingtonians love the outdoors and we find all kinds of things to bring us out!

The hike we did on the 1st to The Lower Big Quilcene River is one of the most popular trails in the Olympic National Forest. First we all meet at a Park-n-ride and carpool to the trailhead. The conversations and friends you begin to make just on the ride to the hikes are often as great as the hikes themselves. In some ways there is nothing better to get out of the city and leave all the work and any other possible headaches behind and just walk in nature.
Another fun outdoor thing to do is to bundle up and go out in the evening and check out one of the Christmas lights displays like the Zoo lights at the Point Defiance Zoo.  You can’t help wanting to take pics of just about every grouping of lights you see, but somehow there are not often nearly as nice as seeing them for yourself. We had a great time strolling around the Zoo and being amazed by one display after another.

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