Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Parts Of The US Are In The “Deep Freeze” But It’s Not Cold Here In Seattle!

We had planned to do some cross country skiing this week, However there was just not enough snow in them there hills. Did that stop us?  No way. We just made lemonade out of lemons, rather than skiing we made it a hike and were rewarded for the effort. As it turned out we couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was sunny and clear and great for a hike up in the hills with plenty of alpine views.
Each month we have a “Games Night” where members can hang out, mingle, chat about events we have done and events that are coming up. We have a private room at a local watering hole where we can play Pool, Darts and we bring in Board games and cards. It’s a little something for everyone, where you can mingle, meet new friends or chat with members you have known for some time. Play Darts for a bit them maybe try your hand with a board game or Jenga. It’s always a fun time.

Reese’s Peanut butter cups are pretty cool, think about it. Two things that are just fine, but when put together are wonderful.
Now think about Dodgeball and Trampolines. Two things that are fine ….but put them together and WOW!  You got Trampoline Dodgeball! It’s one of the clubs favorite activate events. Trampolines seem to bring out the kid in us all. Now just throw in some friends and pizza afterwards and it darn fun!
Come to think of our club is kind of like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, take a bunch of fun events and through in some fun singles and together you have something wonderful!
Events And Adventures Seattle

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