Friday, March 7, 2014

10 Ways E&A Will Change Your Life....#1

New Blog Series ” 10 Ways E&A Will Change Your Life”
        When you are a kid making friends is easy.  You are constantly around other people in sports, school, your neighborhood, summer camp, cousins/family, band, church etc… that you constantly are able to talk and meet and play with people your age and of similar interests.  We take that, along with a million other things, for granted when we are young.  When we are adults and we move cities or become suddenly single for the first time in a long time we can feel very alone; sometimes for the first time ever.  Commute, work, eat, sleep-repeat becomes “life.”  That isn’t LIFE as we know it in E&A.  Every day offers a new adventure to us.  Every weekend is new chance to explore, be creative, to love people, to like, to fail, to get back up, to test my limits, to find my strengths, to face my weaknesses to meet new people and most importantly find out new things about ourselves.  E&A might make you feel like a kid again when we do fun things like Trampoline Dodgeball, Cosmic Bowling, High Ropes Course, Go Karting and other things…you might feel like a kid again but you will most certainly FEEL ALIVE again.
Stay tuned for 2-10 in Future Blog Posts, in the meantime lets get out there and have some fun! 

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