Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cliffhangers And Bonfires!

We know how to make the best of the good weather when it’s here.
Warm summer nights are just made for Volleyball and Bonfires. While we are lucky to have a few nice beaches right in the Seattle area, they only have a small number of fire pits at them so when the sun shines we have to have a person grab a beach chair, sit in the sand and hold us a fire pit,  sometimes as early as 11am for a 6pm bonfire. It’s a hard job, but everyone appreciates the sacrifice. On this warm summer night we had folks playing volleyball up until it started getting dark. Than everyone dug into the potluck and gathered around the bonfire for smores.  Why are there called Smores?  Cuz there are soo good you just want some-more.

 Then to add a little adventure into our lives we jumped off cliffs.It was a little hard getting up 6am after being up late at the bonfire. But no one felt the experience wasn’t worth it by the end of the day. After driving up near Anacortes WA and hiking in to a truly beautiful area we unpacked our gear and followed the guidance of Mark the rappelling instructor (and ex special forces) we began rappelling off cliffs.You end up bonding with folks when you coach them and literally walk them over the edge and off the cliff.   I have made friends I know I will have for a lifetime. Events And Adventures Seattle

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