Saturday, September 20, 2014

Labor Day Is For Camping And Getting Out Of Town With Friends!

This Labor Day Weekend we blended both the Seattle club and the Vancouver B.C. club and we took over a private campground just for our E&A crew. It was a blast to have the campground just for us. We had all the spots alongside the creek (the best spots) and we had a big bon fire and made  Reeses peanut butter Smores …Truly wonderful. We all pitched in and made some great meals, It was just a amazing time. In addition to enjoying the campout we had a number of things planned for the weekend as well.  We took a group out on a Killer/Orca Whale watching tour, We hiked in a few great spots near our camp site and we took a tour of a Museum that has the finest collection of electronic devices in the U.S. And actually got a chance to step into a Faraday cage that was hit with 4 million Volts! What a great weekend!
Events and Adventures Seattle

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jumping Out Of A Perfectly Good Airplane......

On the bucket list of so many is jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. SKYDIVING!
It’s also one of the things that can be so hard to get yourself to do. Sometimes it takes gathering up yourself, getting in a group of friends and just saying “what the heck..I’m doing it” If you have never done it, it's not hard to believe just how hard it can be to step into a plane and take off knowing that the only way down now is out the door at 10,000 feet or more. 
You almost have to tell yourself to NOT listen to the voice in your head that is getting louder and louder saying “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING” and just think of something else … like a shopping list or what’s in your Amazon wish list or anything to keep your mind off the idea that you are soon going to be free falling out of a plane. Then once you DO actually get out of the plane it’s so amazing. And you want to get back in the plane and do it again. Events and Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

An Amazing Cooking Class/Party!

We just did a cooking class/party event that a bit hard to describe … But I’ll give it a try. To start off with it’s not in a downtown area or even a commercial setting. It’s in a private home on Mercer Island. When you first get there you are brought into the this nicely decorated living room area and offered wine and apps while waiting for everyone to show up. Next after a round of introductions our chief and host Anita (a wonderful person that’s originally from Sweden) breaks us into smaller groups to make parts of the full meal.  It’s a fun time of chatting, tasting and preparing for a great meal. Then when we have all done our different parts we sit down to an amazing meal. This day it was out in the covered courtyard and we had Paella as well as 6 other Spanish inspired dishes.
The food was good, the atmosphere was great and so was hanging out and meeting a bunch of folks I now call friends. Events and Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

We Love To Hike Here In The Northwest!

Our group is pretty diverse when it comes to our events. We do indoor and outdoor events, we do theater shows and crazy adventure activities, we do cocktail mingles and beer festivals and so much more. It’s true even within specific kinds of events … like our hikes. We hike in all seasons and all kinds of weather, at the beach or in the mountains and just about everything in between.
In just this past month alone we have been to the North Cascades to hike the Scott Paul trail and to Deception Pass Area to hike and go rappelling. We also hiked on the edge of Lake Washington to Saint Edwards State Park and out on the Olympic Peninsula to hike Mont Zion. We are lucky to live in such a beautiful area! Events and Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Overnight BIGFOOT Hunt!

I suppose that no matter where you live there is some folklore at could be fun to check out. And in the Pacific Northwest, nothings bigger than BIGFOOT!
Just recently we took a group out for an overnight Bigfoot hunt. We had a Naturalist and Bigfoot expert lead us out in the wilderness where in the past 10 years there has been 16 sighting of Bigfoot and one just a week before we headed out there.
It was a fun and playful outing with some very cool highlights. One was the 2nd tallest train bridge in the US. It was over 800 feet up and luckily it’s no longer used.  The other cool thing was when our guide took us on a late night hike deep into the woods and had us turn off our lights and sit as quietly as we could for 15 mins.  After just 15 mins. the forest creatures that stopped as they heard us moving, assume we have gone and continue doing whatever there were doing. It was very cool and a fun adventure. Events and Adventures Seattle

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Imagine Being Transported Back To The Moulin Rouge in France

 You might have dressed up rather nice and taken in a show, dined on a wonderful gourmet meal and had been entertained by international performers. Well we recently did (without having to leave Seattle).  Our E&A group took in Teatro Zinzanni!
If you have not seen this show …you should   when you walk in to the lobby it seems like a very grand  old world circus tent , velvet covered ceilings and beautifully carved wood make you feel like you have stepped into another world. The staff is all dressed up in their finery and escort you into the Spiegaltent (it’s German for mirrored tent) where the show and your five course meal is served.  We had great seats up close and right in the action,  the performance is done in the round as well as interactive, so if you have stage fright, oh well, you may get over it here. There were amazing acrobats, music and comedy. We enjoyed the contortionist/dancer, she worked the hula hoops!  And the trio of French acrobats was AMAZING. The MC who is Aussie was hilarious and the list of international talent goes on. All in all it was great food, great show and with fun folks.  I call that a fun night out! Events and Adventures Seattle

Thursday, June 19, 2014

We Found A Perfect Day For A Hike!

We hiked up Icicle Ridge, that’s just above the town of Leavenworth WA. Don’t let the name fool you. It’s an excellent early season hike that offers us what we have been missing during the winter: a good time in the sun (this being the sunny side of the Cascades, a bountiful array of wildflowers, and stunning views of Icicle Canyon and the Wenatchee and Icicle rivers and surrounding mountains.
And with relatively little pain - an 1,800 foot gain in 2.5 miles as opposed to the neighboring Fourth of July trail that also leads hikers to a higher point on Icicle Ridge in a grueling 4,300 vertical foot march. 
We will be back again and again.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend And More!

A lot of folks get out of the city and go camping during these longer 3 day weekends, but some folks can’t get away.We had a little something for everyone!

About 75 of us (including a few of our Vancouver B.C. Club) went camping. But that would be selling the weekend short. We Camped, (some in tents and others in Cabins) We hiked, We played Volleyball, We sang around the campfire, We explored the local wineries, We played horseshoes, We made smores and a whole lot more. We came together at times for events and spend free time either relaxing or doing smaller events.  We event made dinners under a tent in a field for the whole group and they turned out pretty darn good.  It was a great time and each year it just seems to get better and better.

But what about the folks that cannot get out of town for the weekend?  Well we didn’t forget them either. We took a group on a Seattle best tour. We went all over downtown making our own photo post cards of so many of the famous icons in Seattle. Like the Waterfront, Pike’s Public Market, The Seattle Art Museum, Our cool mod Library and a ton more.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cliffhangers And Bonfires!

We know how to make the best of the good weather when it’s here.
Warm summer nights are just made for Volleyball and Bonfires. While we are lucky to have a few nice beaches right in the Seattle area, they only have a small number of fire pits at them so when the sun shines we have to have a person grab a beach chair, sit in the sand and hold us a fire pit,  sometimes as early as 11am for a 6pm bonfire. It’s a hard job, but everyone appreciates the sacrifice. On this warm summer night we had folks playing volleyball up until it started getting dark. Than everyone dug into the potluck and gathered around the bonfire for smores.  Why are there called Smores?  Cuz there are soo good you just want some-more.

 Then to add a little adventure into our lives we jumped off cliffs.It was a little hard getting up 6am after being up late at the bonfire. But no one felt the experience wasn’t worth it by the end of the day. After driving up near Anacortes WA and hiking in to a truly beautiful area we unpacked our gear and followed the guidance of Mark the rappelling instructor (and ex special forces) we began rappelling off cliffs.You end up bonding with folks when you coach them and literally walk them over the edge and off the cliff.   I have made friends I know I will have for a lifetime. Events And Adventures Seattle

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Live From Greece!!

After nearly 30 hours for flights and transfers we all got to Athens !!!
Even with the travel/jetlag we are all exited to be in Greece and starting our adventure.

The first night we had a welcoming dinner in the heart of Athens old 
town and not far from the Acropolis, the restaurant that was picked by our guides was perfect. a true Greek favorite as the photos on the
walls of the owner and his family with so many of Greece's famous and other well known world wide bid shots showed us.

As a kid in school you learn about Greek history and it some how seen so unreal, but when you get to walk right up to the pillars of the Parthenon and hear from our guides just how this was all made and what they were thinking at the time this was being built it becomes a image that will be with you for the rest of there life.
I can't wait to write more next week about the Greek islands we are heading to. Events And Adventures Travel

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

When It’s Nice In The Pacific Northwest, It’s Really Nice!

Boy have we been getting some nice weather! To take full advantage of this we have been getting outside and soaking it up.
Croquet, once the gentile lawn games of the aristocrats.  But now it’s so much more with a group of friends all paling around. And  if you thought you only get to see folks true colors when playing Monopoly, try the playfully cutthroat game of Croquet. When we went for drinks after it was clear we all had a great time!

The Hiking Gods must love us, because we have been having such great timing on our hikes. Gorgeous Waterfalls full with spring runoff, Wonderfully clear vistas before field burning haze tints the sky. The smells of the forests and meadows in bloom and flowing with sap. It’s a great time to hike!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mingles to Laser Tag!

Sometimes you want to a bar  “ where everyone knows your name” to steal a line from Cheers. With a city as big as Seattle that can be hard to do if you also want to check out some of the fun and different neighborhoods.
Answer:  Our club does all kinds of mingles, all over the city.  Mingles for food, mingles for trivia and mingles for our Young Professional and for our Premier Club members. Recently we had a Young Professional Mingle at one bar and across the street at another bar we had our Premier Club Mingle. Then after a few hours we brought them both together for one big mingle.

While mingles are a great social event, you got to add a little action in now and then.
How about Laser Tag! Truly one for the most requested events from our members and a heck of a lot of fun!  Believe it or not,  it can be a great workout and I find it to be a good way to warm up for skiing as I always come out with sore leg muscles from crouching…. But maybe that’s just cuz I’m so tall.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Snowmobile Adventure Weekend!

Seattle finally got some snow… Well at least we have snow up in our hills!At our Snowmobile Adventure Weekend we headed up into the hills and over near Leavenworth WA. For a fun weekend getaway.It can be a game of guessing as to what month / weekend would be best. We need to have enough snow on the ground to play in, but not too much so we can’t drive over there.And we hit it just right!Even though it was snowing kind heavy on the way there we all made to our private lodge and boy what a wonderful space. Very rustic log style design with everything you would need to a getaway. We had a pool table, hot tub, big old fireplace and lots of room for all of us.We made dinners and breakfast in the big fully equipped kitchen and we could even see the house drawn sled going right past our big front windows.

We also had a great time riding around the mountain on snowmobiles. The lodge owns the snowmobiles and all the snow trails around the lodge so we didn’t have other snowmobilers to get in our way.
The only concern the whole weekend was wondering if we would get too much snow and be forced to stay longer, wouldn’t that be sad.

Friday, March 7, 2014

10 Ways E&A Will Change Your Life....#1

New Blog Series ” 10 Ways E&A Will Change Your Life”
        When you are a kid making friends is easy.  You are constantly around other people in sports, school, your neighborhood, summer camp, cousins/family, band, church etc… that you constantly are able to talk and meet and play with people your age and of similar interests.  We take that, along with a million other things, for granted when we are young.  When we are adults and we move cities or become suddenly single for the first time in a long time we can feel very alone; sometimes for the first time ever.  Commute, work, eat, sleep-repeat becomes “life.”  That isn’t LIFE as we know it in E&A.  Every day offers a new adventure to us.  Every weekend is new chance to explore, be creative, to love people, to like, to fail, to get back up, to test my limits, to find my strengths, to face my weaknesses to meet new people and most importantly find out new things about ourselves.  E&A might make you feel like a kid again when we do fun things like Trampoline Dodgeball, Cosmic Bowling, High Ropes Course, Go Karting and other things…you might feel like a kid again but you will most certainly FEEL ALIVE again.
Stay tuned for 2-10 in Future Blog Posts, in the meantime lets get out there and have some fun! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Snowshoeing In A Winter Wonderland!

Our Members took to the hills for a little Snowshoeing. We got up early in the morning and headed up to Steven’s Pass to go walking in a winter wonderland!
I bet there are a few spots back east that would not need to “head to the hills” to go snowshoeing.  For our group we were rewarded with a great day and some grand views. Afterwards we stopped off to warm up and  mingle a bit before getting back to the city. Events And Adventures Seattle

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Valentine's Engagement from our Minneapolis Club!

We are so excited when we get stories like this that we thought we would share it with everyone:
Tonight was an E&A experience I will  never forget... and I'm sure the same goes for everyone!   We had a great turn-out at our Valentine's Day party, live music, food, drinks, indoor bonfire pit and much more!  After all of the hard work put into this party prep, it definitely paid off!  We spent our evening eating, drinking, dancing, singing, and the live band event pulled up people to be guest singers or tambourine players... but my favorite moment of tonight was when one of our members, John, was pulled up to sing.  After the hooting and hollering stopped after the song had finished, he had a few words to say... he thanked the owners of the barn for allowing us to hold our party there tonight and then proceeded to thank E&A for the opportunity for him to meet Kris, another member in the club, in which the two of them met on his FIRST EVENT... then... he stepped out from behind the mic stand, took the mic in his hand, dropped to one knee, and asked Kris to marry him!!!!!!!!  She smiled at him and gladly said," YES!" (This picture was taken shortly after he slid the ring on her finger!!)  I couldn't believe it... it was such an awesome moment for all of us to be a part of!  And after talking to them afterwards, John said that he never thought that he would meet someone on his first event, but now he knows it's possible for anyone!  And it could be for you too!  Maybe not on your first event like John & Kris, but maybe your second, or third, or........ Congratulations to the happy couple! Events And Adventures Seattle

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Seahawks Win The Superbowl!

I guess you can’t have a blog in Seattle without talking about the Seattle Seahawks and the huge parade that drew an estimated 700,000 revelers to Seattle streets on Wednesday.
That’s 700,000 not counting the folks that were working in Seattle!

The whole city was getting into the spirit, Boeing even painted up one of their planes and flew it over the city during the parade. We love our Seahawks!                 Events And Adventures Seattle

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SEAHAWKS heading to the SUPERBOWL!

You can’t live in the Seattle area and not be caught up in the Seahawks fever. One nice thing about our club is having a person who’s sole job it is to keep the fun events coming!  With every WIN of the Seahawks we get another SEAHAWKS viewing party popping up on our events calendar and the biggest party with be the SUPERBOWL Party!
We love our Seahawks!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Parts Of The US Are In The “Deep Freeze” But It’s Not Cold Here In Seattle!

We had planned to do some cross country skiing this week, However there was just not enough snow in them there hills. Did that stop us?  No way. We just made lemonade out of lemons, rather than skiing we made it a hike and were rewarded for the effort. As it turned out we couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was sunny and clear and great for a hike up in the hills with plenty of alpine views.
Each month we have a “Games Night” where members can hang out, mingle, chat about events we have done and events that are coming up. We have a private room at a local watering hole where we can play Pool, Darts and we bring in Board games and cards. It’s a little something for everyone, where you can mingle, meet new friends or chat with members you have known for some time. Play Darts for a bit them maybe try your hand with a board game or Jenga. It’s always a fun time.

Reese’s Peanut butter cups are pretty cool, think about it. Two things that are just fine, but when put together are wonderful.
Now think about Dodgeball and Trampolines. Two things that are fine ….but put them together and WOW!  You got Trampoline Dodgeball! It’s one of the clubs favorite activate events. Trampolines seem to bring out the kid in us all. Now just throw in some friends and pizza afterwards and it darn fun!
Come to think of our club is kind of like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, take a bunch of fun events and through in some fun singles and together you have something wonderful!
Events And Adventures Seattle

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Searching For Walter Mitty.......

Walter Mitty

Have you done anything noteworthy or mentionable? That is the question that plagues Walter Mitty in the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” First published in 1939 by James Thurber, Walter Mitty is a mild man with a vivid fantasy life. In his fantastic daydreams, he is the heroic, adventurous, romantic man he longs to be and personally triumphs. In Ben Stiller’s remake of the 1947 classic, Walter Mitty is trapped behind a desk where his biggest real-life adventure is trying to fill out an online dating profile. When asked what he has done that is noteworthy or mentionable, he has no answer.

Are you Walter Mitty?
Unbeknownst to Thurber and Stiller, they wrote a movie that embodies the spirit of Events & Adventures, an invitation-only club of singles who spend time together nearby or on the road having fun. Our members are often former Walter Mittys who have kicked off their daydreams and are now living the adventure. Events & Adventures plans activities for every personality and adventure level – from white water rafting or skydiving to hiking or cosmic bowling, there is an event to help you shed your Walter Mitty shell.
Don’t get stuck behind your computer playing games or risking virtual match ups, daydreaming about the fun your life could be and having the zest to seize it…Get out and live it with other singles, just like you and let Events & Adventures do all the work! With Events & Adventures, you can make your dreams a reality, all you have to do is sign up and show up – we take care of the rest. 2013 is coming to an end, make sure that 2014 is the year you do something noteworthy and mentionable. Get out. Have fun. And, maybe, meet that special someone.
Live the adventure. Events & Adventures is creating the “Walter Mitty Award” to identify “the most Walter Mitty Events & Adventures member. Stay tuned. Details are being finalized. Events And Adventures Seattle

Friday, January 3, 2014

What a great NEW YEAR’S EVE!

We started on the waterfront in Seattle, right next to Seattle’s newest attraction “The Giant Ferris Wheel” on Pier 57 As you walked into our private banquet hall, you could see the Ferris wheel just out our windows. We had a really fun photo booth (the kind with fun signed you can hold up and mustaches and silly lips on sticks) then a great buffet and a live D.J. on a huge dance floor.
Seeing everyone all dressed up (I even had my tux on) you felt you were in the right spot to toast in the new year….. But we had more in store for NYE!
Around 10pm we raffled off a bunch of Prizes.  In addition to a lot of other items we had as our grand prizes an international trip for two to Victoria B.C. including hydroplane transportation, your hotel, High Tea at the Empress Hotel and a day excursion all to the lucky winner just for walking in our doors that night.
From the water’s edge on to the water!
From there we moved the party (D.J. and all) to our waiting chartered party boat aptly named the “Goodtimes II”.  The party boat cruised around for awhile as we danced and partied then we maneuvering to watch the fireworks burst off the Space Needle at midnight.  Now that’s the way to ring in the new year!

Note to my blog readers: All these pics are real and  from this year’s party except the Space needle pic.  If you were in Seattle you know as we did that the fog made it more ethereal, but hard to photograph.